IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts - Final amendments planned at April 2019 meeting

At the April 2019 meeting, the IASB concluded its deliberations on amendments to IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (see previous blog articles for further details) and authorised its staff to start the drafting of the exposure draft.

The IASB has also confirmed that it intends to amend the effective date of IFRS 17, deferring it to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022 and extending by a year the option to continue to apply IAS 39 (subject to conditions) to the financial instruments of insurers. Early application of the amended IFRS 17 will be permitted.

Click here for the official announcement of these decisions on the IASB’s website.

Following this meeting, the Due Process Oversight Committee (DPOC) approved the reduction of the consultation period from 120 to 90 days.
The exposure draft is expected to be published at the end of June.
The IASB also took the opportunity to:

  • discuss a list of topics (“sweep issues”) that had been prepared by the staff and which directly related to recent deliberations. Most of these will not lead to any further amendments (see agenda paper 2C);
  • endorse some minor amendments to IFRS 17 which will probably be addressed via the annual IFRS improvements process, rather than by inclusion in the IFRS 17 exposure draft due to appear in June (see agenda papers 2D and 2E).

Click here to view the agenda papers on the various topics addressed by the IASB.

Finally, the Transition Resource Group for IFRS 17 (TRG), the discussion forum for IFRS 17 implementation issues which has already met four times since February 2018, held its final session on 4 April. Topics considered by the TRG include insurance contracts with a financing component (see agenda paper 1). It also reviewed various issues submitted which did not meet the criteria for inclusion in its agenda, or which are already being addressed by other, parallel, IASB initiatives, such as the future exposure draft (see agenda paper 2). No new TRG meetings are planned at this stage.

Click here to access the official podcast and meeting summary of the April TRG meeting.

By Jessica Howard, Financial Reporting Advisory Director